About us

Our Story

The Origins
High Quality
Extra Virgin
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.
The oil is produced by pressing whole olives and is commonly used in cooking, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and is used throughout the world.


What We Do

Olio Extravergine di Oliva

Olio Extravergine di Oliva

Un olio extravergine d’oliva a bassa acidità, non superiore allo 0,5% e dalle notevoli qualità organolettiche, garantisce un elevata genuinità del...

Le Ciliegie

Le Ciliegie

Le nostre ciliegie hanno una forma tondeggiante, un colore rosso con intensità che variano in funzione delle diverse coltivazioni. Saporite e...

I Migliori Vini

I Migliori Vini

Il nostro Primitivo è un Vino Elegante, con profumo intensamente vinoso, sapore armonico, asciutto, austero…i sentori di spezie e si...

Health Benefits


Prevents Heart Attacks

Olive oil is one of the healthiest types of fat around, so you should choose fats wisely.


Reduces Cholesterol Levels

The health benefits of olive oil include lower cholesterol levels in the your blood.


Improves Your Memory

Olive oils’ antioxidants have been shown reverse of disease-related memory deficits.


Helps Digestion

Although high in calories, olive oil has shown to help reduce levels of obesity.


Helps Fight Cancer

The elements in olive oil can decrease the risk of breast cancer and its recurrence.


Prevents Blood Clotting

Olive oil can reduce the risk of heart attacks and stroke, also improve blood clotting.

Our Team

Nathan Smith
A grower
Laura Palmer
A grower
Joe Carter
A grower
Melissa Cox
A grower
